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Fresno Station District

Fresno Station District Plan finalized in November, 2018

The Fresno Station District Master Plan provides a vision for the area around the planned High Speed Rail Station, with details, including zoning and details like building densities, in the Fulton Corridor Specific Plan, the Fresno General Plan and the Citywide Development Code.

Fulton Corridor Specific

The Fulton Corridor Specific Plan adopted in October, 2016

The Fulton Corridor Specific Plan is the community’s tool for guiding the future development of Downtown Fresno. It is both a visionary document that lays out the community’s long-term goals for the Plan Area, as well as an implementation plan for immediate and midterm actions needed to achieve the long-term vision. It provides detailed policies concerning a wide range of topics, including land use and

development, historic resources, the public realm, transportation, and infrastructure.

Downtown Neighbor-hoods

Downtown Neighborhoods Plan adopted in October, 2016

The Downtown Neighborhoods Community Plan is the community’s tool for guiding the successful regeneration of Downtown Fresno and its surrounding neighborhoods.

It is a visionary document that lays out the community’s long-term goals for the Community Plan Area and provides detailed policies concerning a wide range of topics, including land use and development, transportation, the public realm of streets and parks, infrastructure, historic resources, and health and wellness.

Fresno General Plan

General Plan adopted December, 2014

Housing Element Update adopted April, 2017

The Fresno General Plan is forward‐looking, comprehensive, and long‐range. It supports the community’s vision to preserve the desirable qualities that make the city of Fresno an ideal place to live, work, and play. The Plan recommends strategies to address prevalent existing conditions and trends that impede achieving and maintaining greater human, community, environmental, and economic health and prosperity. The Plan envisions Fresno as a vibrant, growing city, infused with a sense of heritage and community.

The Plan, which includes the Housing Element update, describes a balanced city with an appropriate proportion of its growth and reinvestment focused in the central core, Downtown, established neighborhoods, and along Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) corridors. A successful and vibrant Downtown is necessary to attract investment needed for infill development and rehabilitation of established neighborhoods, which are priorities for the Plan.


Balancing a vibrant Downtown will be self‐sufficient suburban Development Areas. This will result in a city with a revitalized Downtown and established neighborhoods and with livable new suburban neighborhoods supporting one another.





Fresno Development Code updated and adopted September, 2018

This is the Zoning Ordinance for the City of Fresno.

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