Do you know that Chinatown is OPEN FOR BUSINESS! We are. We welcome you into Chinatown to shop, eat, locate services.
In case you missed it, we launched the initiative on September 19. We enjoyed Mayor Dyer's welcome and the keynote speech of Lee Ann Eager, former President/CEO of the Economic Development Corporation of Fresno County.
Everyone appreciated the honest discussion by members of the business roundtable: Morgan Doizaki, Central Fish, Ruben and Christina Vasquez of Tamale Mama, Rio Toi of YoshiWORLD and Ben Gitmed of the Komoto's building.
Might your new business be in Chinatown? How can we help?
Chinatown: Open for Business is an initiative of the Chinatown Fresno Foundation. It is a Community Development Block Group (CDBG) program in partnership with the City of Fresno and funded by HUD.
The Chinatown Empowerment Center, the hub for business and property owner support, will also lead the way on communication strategies, marketing and social media. In the next few months, look for a vacancy database, business retention and recruitment efforts and outreach into the larger community to encourage start-up businesses to locate in Chinatown.