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Chinatown Construction News

Construction in Chinatown is heating up - we're seeing new crews every day. This can be incredibly frustrating for our customers! And for us, too.


While it doesn't seem possible today, there is an end in sight - we hope three years. Due to some plan changes for TPZP*, both Tulare and Ventura underpasses will be built at the same time, rather than consecutively.


We'll be stuck with Mono and Fresno as the ways to get into Chinatown for quite a while. But we have regular meetings with the HSR Authority, TPZP and the City of Fresno. Updates will be on our Chinatown Road Construction Facebook page.

* TPZP is Tudor Perini Zachry Parsons, the construction group that works for the HSR (High Speed Rail) Authority.

Feb 18 use 1.jpg

This was taken on February 18 on F Street just north of Mono Street

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